Thursday, January 14, 2010

Excuses... they are just lame

I do such a good job at making excuses, excuses for everything from why I cannot do this dishes to why I cannot seem to read for any of my classes to why I cannot spend time with people to why I cannot make time to read my Bible every day. The common denominator is me. I am the problem with all of these situations and to be honest all of these excuses are plain ridiculous. Some times I feel entitled to not do things because hey, I am in nursing school. I have a million and one things to do. I work, I have clinicals, I have class, I go to Bible studies and church and all of those things take up a lot of time, however they do not take up all of my time. I do have a lot of time on my hands and make myself think I am busy and continue to procrastinate and make even more excuses.

Many of the times that I say I am busy with school, all I am really busy with is thinking about how dreadful school is. How crazy is that. I cannot even seem to do things, instead I dwell on how scary things seem. If I stopped making excuses and didn't complain as much I would have a whole lot more time to do those things and I would not have as much time to build them up in my mind. They would be more like small tasks than the monstrous tasks that they become after they have been stewing around for a while.

When Jesus was praying before he was arrested, he admitted that he really did not want to have to die on the cross. But guess what? he did! In Luke 22:42 Jesus prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." That right there makes all of my troubles and tasks so much less important. Jesus, the Son of God, did what he had to do without complaining.

So now here I am in my last year of college. I have a lot of things to do, but hey, in the end they are doable. So why can I not do them to the best of my ability and without complaining. If I can really do this, Jesus will have even more time and room to shine through my life. Let's get this thing done and done well!

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