Loving people is not the easiest thing to do sometimes. I am not the greatest at loving people when they love me back the way I understand love, so to love others who don't always love me back or love me the way I understand love gives me a hard time. Pursuing relationships with others is also not one of my strongest areas which kinda goes hand in hand with loving others. Today I pray for God to give me grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love so that I may be able to do these things out of the overflow that he has blessed me with. Only with God's help will I ever begin to love those around me. Those who I love but that I suck at showing love to, those who I cannot stand, and those I forget about.
I do not want to be that crappy friend anymore that shoves my beliefs and values onto others. I need to realize that loving does not mean pulling someone into what we think is right or better, but loving them no matter where they are. No matter how many things we disagree on or the things we do not have in common. Love is not built on common things, but it is the thing that bridges those wide expanses between two hearts. A bridge that does not necessarily have to be two-way. There is a quote that I love from Brian Andreas, "How many people can you love before it's too much she said & I said I didn't think there was any real limit as long as you didn't care if they loved you back."
God is the same way. He does not have a quota that he reaches and then stops loving and he also does not need us to love him for him to love us. He first loved us. He is love. It is his nature, his identity. It is from that that he pours it into us. We are capable of loving out of that overflow, not out of our love but his. We do kinda mess it up, but without his love first, how do we expect to love others. See his love is not selfish or self-pleasing. It is something that pours out not takes in.
I really need a lot more God love in my life. That is the kind of lover I want to be.
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