I have read the story of Martha and Mary several times. Today I found myself in Luke 10. The last little bit of it is dedicated to telling a little bit of their story. Martha seems to be this nice lady who invites Jesus over to hang out. I picture her in the kitchen cooking up a storm trying after having cleaned the house from top to bottom. She is a busy woman who wants to please her guests. Mary on the other hand is just chillling and listening to Jesus. Martha probably got a bit mad at her sister who did not move a finger to help her. Here she comes out of the kitchen pissed off and tells Jesus in verse 40 "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"Jesus goes on to say in the next two verses, "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
I am such a Martha it is ridiculous. I get so caught up in the task at hand that I forget to interact with others and have a good time. Lately I have been attempting to read Luke and Acts to prepare for the upcoming semester as a part of the evangelism team in our IV chapter. I am supposed to be journaling about it as I go along. I have found myself wanting to read but maybe not having enough time to write about it or not enough energy so me being all weird about the task at hand and following the "rules" I have neglected to read my Bible. Crazy huh? I have gotten so caught up in my "duties" that I have neglected Jesus.
Mary was the smarter of the two sisters in the sense that she did not let silly, meaningless things get in between her and Jesus. I need to learn that it is okay to let some silly details slip and really focus on what it important, those things that are eternal.
You get it girl! :D We all need to remember that sometime. People love being with you and having your friendship. I see it a lot. You are very encouraging to others. Thank you so much!